Prosperity Pages

There are unwavering principles
underlying this Universe -- which is abundant beyond our wildest imagination.
  • A Prayer for Our Earth - from Pope Francis' encyclical letter
  • Other People's Hands - I like to think I'm independent; but am I, really?
  • A Love Like That - The generosity of our world comes shinging through
  • Everything or Nothing? - There's not enough? Either God is or God isn't.
  • The Wise Woman's Stone - Give what you have within you
  • The Mayonnaise Jar - Finding room for the things that matter.
  • The Deer's Cry - A prayer for protection from a seemingly hostile world
  • Thinkers vs. Doers - What is it I should be doing... why am I here?
  • Shaking the Tree -- Vine and branch, we're connected in this world
  • Energy, Matter & Money -- three fascinating forms of the very same thing
  • Who Invented Money? -- before then, all money was wealth you could eat
  • Stone Soup - A fantastic feast, fit for royalty, created from nothing.
  •  Guiding Mindful Change - In case we forget what inspires us 
  • These Are Days -- that you'll see that you're blessed and lucky
  • Walk Through the World -- but don't try to do it alone
  • What the World Wants -- and how to pay for it using military expenditures
  • The Psychology of Money, Prosperity & Abundance -- An NLP Article
  • Your Abundant Source of Supply  -- From Unity Church web site
  • Create the Wealth You Need -- from Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra
  • Creation Spirituality -- "All of Nature has something to tell us about God."
  • The Global Energy Initiative -- a project to bring more abundance into the world
  • Tools for Change -- 10 practices for more abundance in your life
  • Love Both Goddesses  - Excerpt from Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra M.D.
  • Pay It Forward - A simple idea that could change the world -- (and just might)
  • Sacred Covenant on Abundance- Completed at Sacred Days Retreat
  • Sowing Seeds -- we are creative by our very nature
  • A Rose is a Rose -- and by any other name would be as sweet
  • The Healing Spirit-- Inside of you, self-healing and self-mending
  • No Complaining, No Suffering -- two rules for more happiness and joy in your life
  • Taking and Giving -- a story about two seas... and being in the flow
  • Abundance: Thought for Today -- from Mary Manin Morrissey
  • Prosperity Affirmation -- from Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind
  • Prayer for Greater Abundance -- from Principles of Financial Freedom

  • “Think of it... We are blessed with technology 
    that would be indescribable to our forefathers.

    We have the wherewithal, the know-it-all to feed everybody,
    clothe everybody, and give every human on Earth a chance.

    We know now what we could never have known before -- that
    we now have the option for all humanity to "make it" successfully
    on this planet in this lifetime." 

    - R. Buckminster Fuller

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