Rarely Have We Seen a Person Fail
Who Has Thoroughly Followed Our Path

  • "For that, I am responsible" - Whenever anyone, anywhere reaches out...
  • Sober Stories - True life stories about getting and staying sober with spiritual principles
  • "Full-Strength Recovery -  Are Zoom meetings watering down AA's message of recovery?
  • Shorter version of this essay may be found here.
  • "The Healing Spirit" - From "Women Who Run with Wolves"
  • A Basic Solution to These "Bedevilments"Either God is or He isn't -- which is it?
  • What Are Spiritual Principles? The 12 Sprititual Principles behind the 12 Steps
  • Spiritual Principles (Definition)  -  The definition of 12 spiritual principles and where you can find them in the Big Book (page numbers)
  • Character Defects vs. Principles  -  When in Faith, we act according to Principles; when in Fear, we act according to our Character Defects. Here is a handy list of both (good for 10th Step Inventory).
  • The Dry Drunk Syndrome  - Being dry is not the same as contented sobriety (pamphlet from Hazelden)

  • Drunks  -  "We tried and we died"... a poem by Jack McC.

  • Dogs Gonna Bark  -  It's my spiritual condition that makes the difference. 

  • Redirecting Our Emotional Antennae - For more positive reception.

  • Letting Go of Old IdeasIt's never too soon or too late to change our convictions.

  • Emotional Sobriety by Bill Wilson - Dealing with "those adolescent urges..."

  • Letting Go To "let go" means I can’t do it for someone else. 

  • From The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are  by Alan Watts - “Now when God plays hide and seek, pretending that he is you and I, he does it so well that it takes him a long time to remember where and how he hid himself."

  • Emotional Maturity - The mature person has developed attitudes in relation to himself and his environment which have lifted him above "childishness" in thought and behavior.

  • Excitement!- Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.

  • Humility Prayer - God, I am far too often influence by what others think of me...

  • Minimizing and Avoiding Power Struggles - Practice staying present in the moment.

  • Why We Were ChosenGod in His wisdom selected this group of men and women....

  • If Trouble ComesWe are sure God wants us to be happy, joyous, and free.

  • Tradition Checklist - Do you practice these principles? (from  Grapevine) 

  • Bill W.'s Obituary - from the New York Times

  • Silkworth.net - Alcoholics Anonymous History and Other A.A. Resources

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